Get Your NIN and BVN Registered

We’re excited to announce that we’ve arranged for a vendor to provide NIN and BVN registration.

This is a great opportunity to ensure your NIN and BVN are up-to-date, especially with their importance for passport renewals and banking in Nigeria

What to bring along...

A woman in a green shirt is smiling for the camera
A black and white drawing of a ghost with three eyes on a white background.

NIN Requirements

  • Data page of your passport, valid or expired
  • First 4 digits of your BVN if you have one.
  • Present in person
  • RESOLUTION 48hrs (excl. weekends)
A line drawing of a cell phone , credit card , and wallet.

NIN Requirements - Section B

Those that have a NIN but have issues to resolve, e.g errors, misspelled names, and incorrect arrangement.

  • Data page of passport
  • Existing NIN slip
  • To be present in person
  • RESOLUTION 1 - 5 working days
A black and white drawing of a stopwatch on a white background.

BVN Requirements

  • Passport Date page
  • NIN slip
  • Nigeria Address 
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